US Tax Rate above 90%:  Been done

US Tax Rate of 100%:  Not a new idea

Socialist Taxes

From each according to his adjusted gross income, to each according to his lack of adjusted gross income.

From forced-charity donor, to government-selected receiver.

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War Taxes

From almost everyone (especially the wealthy), to government-funded war.











The Reality of an Income Tax Rate above 90% in the US is Not New
During World War II, Americans were asked to pay more in taxes, and the wealthy were asked to pay the most. In 1943, American households faced a 88 percent tax rate on all their income over $200,000. The next year, 1944, the nation’s top tax rate was raised even higher, to 94 percent on income over $200,000.   [source]


Even the Idea of a 100% Income Tax Rate in the US is Not New
FDR wanted to limit each individual's income to $25,000 through taxes in 1942.
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Government is not god,
and taxes are not tithes.

(except in Europe, especially Germany)